Amazon is an American MNTC (multi-national technology company) which is located in Seattle, Washington. It offers services like e-commerce, audio/video streaming, cloud computing, and AI.
If you are aspiring to a technical role in Amazon, we are here to help you with your amazon interview process. In this article we will talk about what it takes to get you noticed by Amazon as a job seeker, what to expect from the amazon recruitment process, and how to best prepare for those interviews as well.
First thing is to get inside the system: Just submitting your resume online won’t work. Look for local recruiting events where you can sign up for the interview. Another option is to search for the Amazon employee on social media like LinkedIn and submit your resume to them. It’s a high chance that your resume will get forwarded by them to the hiring manager. Another step is to make it easy for Amazon to find you by creating an appealing profile on LinkedIn. Make sure your LinkedIn profile exists, up-to-date, and compelling. If you have done some open source work make sure they find you in GitHub or other means.
Once they have your resume, they will contact you to discuss the date and time for the online assessment interview. Now it's time you should know the amazon hiring process timeline. There will be multiple rounds. First is the online assessment on a video call, then on-site written test followed by multiple Coding and Technical rounds, then the most important Hiring Manager round, and at last is the HR round. Let's understand each area in detail.
These 5 rounds will be:
1. Written Test
This round is to know your mental aptitude. The time will be 30 minutes to complete the test. The test consists of two parts: Logical Reasoning with Mathematical Aptitude and basic Technical questions from every domain with coding. The basic functionalities like function, loop, operators, etc with languages like c/c++, python, etc or DBMS (sql), Operating system (Windows, Linux, dos, etc), and so forth.
2. Coding Skill Test
In this round, some questions based on coding will be provided which you will perform over a computer. The test will contain 4-5 questions and you are expected to submit it in a given time frame. This round demands a good command over coding. You need to be good at DBMS queries, Java, c/c++, c#, etc.
You can check out the coding questions here.
3. Technical Interview
This interview is actually a demonstration of your skill which you will show to Amazon's technical team. The questions are asked in 2-3 phases from least to maximum difficulty. Each phase has 3-4 questions. You are expected to solve the algorithm in a piece of paper or on a whiteboard. Practice writing on a whiteboard in advance to avoid nervousness and errors. An algorithm is a step by step instruction to solve a problem. For every written program there is an algorithm. Algorithms will be based on all categories: Search, Sort, Insert, Delete, and Update. Make sure the algorithm you draw has a well-defined input, well-defined outputs, finite-ness, language-independent, should be clear and feasible.
4. Meeting with Hiring Manager
Once you have completed all technical rounds and if they consider you a candidate with good coding skills, you will be called for lunch with your Hiring Manager or your boss or a bar-raiser. A bar raiser is a person whose decision is important whether or not to hire a person. He will ask you questions based on your previous experiences, what challenges you had faced, and how you corrected it, or some puzzle questions. He will also ask if you could have given a better algorithm over the asked questions which you gave in previous technical rounds. This will happen if you give a doubtable explanation of the algorithm.
5. HR Interview
If you have reached this round, you are still in a league. In this round, HR will ask some basic questions about your future growth, and some normal discussions. He will also tell you about the company and what they do and inform you about how well you have done in your interview. You can also ask questions with HR if you have any doubts about the role, vacancy, joining process, and so forth.
For HR interview questions, visit our page.
The Amazon hiring process typically moves quickly after your interviews. Your hiring decision meetings will probably take place within a few days and if they decide to extend or delay, you will hear it right away. That's all. You have read the complete guide on how you can sail through the Amazon interview process. All the best for the day ahead.